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Onioshidashi Park 鬼押出し園 under snow

Updated: Jan 23, 2018

January 22, 2018

Onioshidashi Park(鬼押出し園) in Gunma near Manza Onsen where I stay for tonight.

Today, low pressure and cold front are hitting Japan. This whote area is under very strong snow, and continue to get stronger throughout tonight.

I was the only visitor in the entire park.

My Nikon D5 is completely covered in snow and ice. Functioned without any issue. Temperature was already below -5 celcius at this time.

Going to parking lot

My car. Snow is piling up quickly.

Now, time to go to hotel at Manza Onsen before weather get worse than it is. It's already 5pm. It will get dark soon. I have to drive up 1800m above sea level to get to hotel. Even with 4WD and snow tires, it won't be easy drive under this condition. If your car doesn't have 4WD, you will NOT make it up there with this much fresh snow.

Leaving Onioshidashi Park

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