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JW Marriott Hanoi - Executive Suite

Febrary 04 ~ 05, 2018 (02/04 ~ 02/05)

My flight JL751 arrived at Hanoi 22:55. By the time I was at the waiting area, Marriott already had their people waiting for me. Not a single second was wasted. Since I'll be staying only for a very short period, each second counts.

I had to catch a 10:30am flight next day, so I get to spend only 7 hours at this magnificent and most likely the best hotel in Hanoi. I really wish I had spent one more night here.

They pick me up in BMW 5-series

My room# 365

Second toilet in a living room

Next day

View from my room

Breakfast at lounge

Very good selections of breakfast

View from hallway of hotel front

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